VIZup! now you see it, and now you still see it (only much faster!)
Released on = May 19, 2006, 12:24 pm
Press Release Author = VizUp Technology
Industry = Software
Press Release Summary = VizUp Professional is an easy-to-use polygon reducer for optimizing 3D models.
Press Release Body = - Intro: What is VIZup ?
VIZup is a decimator for 3D models, a polygon reduction tool. And it\'s a very advanced and intelligent one at that!
VIZup is a program for users of high-end CAD models (with millions of polygons) who need to reduce the complexity, the polygon count.
* For Automotive CAD, or other very complex model designers * For Architects who need a walkthrough * For Game Developers who need just a few hundred polygons instead of hundreds of thousands
For illustrators who are given CAD models from a design department and who need to do fast animations and renderings, VIZup provides relief. It is also a tool for game developers, who want to reduce the polygon count to a level suitable for their realtime 3D games.
You might say, \"but I already have a decimator, it came with my expensive top-of-the-line 3D modeling and animation program.\". That may be true, even some entry level tools and purely modeling-oriented programs have been offering some form of polygon decimation in the last few years. But they are not specialized in that, so they have some shortcomings which means you end up spending some time manually fixing up the holes and cracks and texture misplacements, or you still need to manually do things thereafter which the perfect polygon reducer should and could have done on-the-fly for you, saving you headaches and precious time. And they may not fare too well either when you\'re working on huge models, with hundreds of thousands or polygons, or even millions.
Also, you may wonder what\'s the best level of decimation for a particular visual need? For example, for an interactive multimedia presentation in popular 3D formats for documents or opn the web, such as Viewpoint, Shockwave 3D, Acrobat 3D, and for content in 3D worlds and interactive chatrooms,... should you go down to 50% of the original complexity?, 80% reduction? even more? Will it still look good enough? Some other tools make it rather difficult to browse through various reduction levels. VIZup makes it easy to quickly see the resulting effect for many levels of decimation, so you can visually inspect the target level and choose the right one for your task and needs.
Furthermore, there\'s more to it than plain polygon reduction. You will want proper uv-address based texture re-mapping. You may also want to merge similar objects, for example object parts which share the same material. It is common in the CAD industry, especially with some high end CAD programs, to find that a complex surface is made of hundreds or even thousands of small patches and surface elements, which could easily be merged into a single polygon container when it comes time to to a rendering for marketing brochures or training material. While the CAD program needs to keep each little part in its own identifier and placeholder, there\'s usually no benefit to keep it that way in the animation program. It merely makes for a lot of overhead and wastes memory and system resources.
If they share the same material and/or are next to each other, i.e. if they are in contact with eachother, it often makes sense to simplify (and thus speed up) the model by merging such elements into a single object container.
Vizup does that, and much more.
So, what is VIZup? What does it do? VizUp 2 Makes Polygon Reduction As Good As It Gets!
VizUp 2 is an ad hoc polygon reduction and optimization system that enables you to reduce the number of polygons in a complex 3D model and optimize its geometry. The end result of such compression is a model with a well-balanced level of details and size, which can be used in virtual reality and real-time visualization systems.
With VizUp in place, the process of polygon reduction is downright simple and does not require any advanced knowledge of CAD or CAE. You may completely rely on its artificial intelligence, which is able to pick the best compression parameters for a particular model and perform the reduction automatically.
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Contact Details = Address: 302-4464 West 10th Ave, Vancouver Canada